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Engine Room Soundproofing


Acoustica's Vybar Marine is a rigid laminate noise barrier which has been specifically engineered to absorb and control noise and vibration in main and auxiliary engine enclosures and to line partition walls and bulkheads in marine vessels.

Tested and certified to meet the International Marine Organisation resolution A635 (16) - recommendation on Improved Fire Test Procedures for Surface Flammability as amended by Resolution MSC 61 (67).  Vybar Marine has a unique material construction which unlike many other insulation materials results in high sound absorption coupled with resilience and compression loading capability.

Vybar Marine has been tested by the CSIRO and certified that it meets the requirements for low flame spread of a bulkhead wall and ceiling lining s specified by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and the technical requirements of the amended (MO resolution MSC61 (67), Annex2, section 2.2.

Vybar Marine effectively treats the often combined phenomena of vibrations, sound transmission and sound reverberation encountered with most noise problems.


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